Project Description
J. Gordon Consulting Engineers Ltd. works for the Israeli Railways as the exclusive security consultant for the last 15 years, providing operational and technical consulting for a variety of projects regarding the protection of railways stations, tracks, rolling stock, stabling yards, depots, bridges, tunnels, and technical facilities.
Gordon Engineers’ experts had developed a number of unique solutions for very specific security problems existing in the operation of railways in an area of high threats.
Gordon Engineers’ team designed hundreds of security systems that are operating successfully at the various Israel Railways facilities controlled by the Main Security Command and Control center, designed as well by Gordon Engineers that monitors hundreds of different security systems, thousands of cameras, and various software security applications.
Gordon Engineers services include constant consulting to address a variety of ongoing security issues, defining security concepts, development of unique solutions, designing security systems, preparing RFP for contractors, assisting in tender procedures to select the contractor, supervising over the implementation, and performing Acceptance Tests.