Project Description
The Auschwitz Birkenau Museum is probably one of the most symbolic memorials in the world for the victims of the Nazi regime and the “final solution” of the Jewish people.
About million of men, women, and children are buried in Auschwitz Birkenau lands, the biggest cemetery in the world, where every part of it is a unique monument of extremely symbolic importance to the Polish Government and the free world.
Nothing can replace the last and very few original exhibits which are presented there every year to millions of visitors coming from the entire world.
The management of the Museum is performing extreme efforts to preserve and evidence and keep the originality of the place and its exhibits.
Auschwitz Birkenau Museum is, therefore, a very attractive target to the Neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers who already proved their malicious intent by trying to destroy one of the most horrifying symbols of this concentration camp – the sign on the main gate “Arbeit Macht Frei”. This unpredictable action against a metal sign intensified the intensions of the hostile organizations against Auschwitz and its symbolism and the Polish Government with the Museum Management took immediate action to enhance its existing security.
A team of Polish security experts was established to determine the concept of its future security. Eng Gordon was invited personally to assist to this important Project and contribute from his experience and know-how to the local teams