Project Description
As a part of security consulting for the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens J. Gordon Cinsulting Engineers Ltd. designed and supervised the implementation of security protection in 9 Greek seaports: Piraeus, Thessalonica, Patras, Lavrio, Volus, Corpu, Igoumeitsa, Heraklion and Flifos
In each of those 9 seaports an Integrated Security System was designed by Gordon Engineers security experts in order to provide high level response to potential threats, defined by the Olympic Committee in Greece. The content of each system was according to the size, type of activity, geography, topography and other conditions of each specific seaport.
In each of the ports a local Security Command and Control Center was established to manage and control locally the security situation in routine and emergency situations. All the ports were controlled by a higher hierarchy Security Command and Control Centers.